Question: Great news! The variety of robotic competition continues to grow at breakneck pace! Most recently, head-to-head long jump contests have been all the rage.

These contests consist of rounds in which each robot has a single attempt to score. In an attempt, a robot speeds down the running track (modeled as the numberline) from $0,$ the starting line, to $1,$ the takeoff point. A robot moves along this track by drawing a real number uniformly from $\left[0,1\right]$ and adding it to the robot’s current position. After each of these advances, the robot must decide whether to jump or wait. If a robot crosses the takeoff point (at $1$) before jumping its attempt receives a score of $0.$ If the robot jumps before crossing $1,$ it draws one final real number from $\left[0,1\right]$ and adds it to its current position, and this final sum is the score of the attempt.

In a head-to-head contest, the two robots each have a single attempt without knowing the other’s result. In the case that they tie (typically because they both scored $0$), that round is discarded and a new round begins. As soon as one robot scores higher than the other on the same round, that robot is declared the winner!

Assume both robots are programmed to optimize their probability of winning and are aware of each other’s strategies. You are just sitting down to watch a match’s very first attempt (of the first round, which may or may not end up being discarded). What is the probability that this attempt scores $0$? Give this probability as a decimal rounded to $9$ digits past the decimal point.

(Jane Street)


the jumper’s decision can’t depend on anything but their current position since that’s all the information they have.

so, each jumper’s strategy takes the form

  • if current position $z$ is less than a threshold $t$, take another step
  • if $z\geq t$, take the jump

each player advances down the track, step by step, until they pass $t.$ the biggest $t$ that should be considered is $1,$ or else they’ll always score zero.

since the steps are uniform draws from zero to $1,$ the greatest realizable score, regardless of $t,$ is $2$ (the first step can land at $z=1$, and a jump of $1$ from there would land at $2$).

strategy outline

player $a$ wins if, eventually, they score higher than player $b.$ this can happen if

  • both players don’t score in the present round, and player $a$ goes on to win later, or
  • player $a$ scores in the present round, but player $b$ does not.
  • both players score in the present round and $s_a > s_b$,

calling the probability to not score with threshold $t$, $P_\text{zero}(t),$ and the probability of getting score $s$ given that they use threshold $t$ $P_\text{score}(s, t),$ this means

\[\begin{align} P(a\ \text{wins}\rvert t_a, t_b) &= P_\text{zero}(t_a)P_\text{zero}(t_b)P(a\ \text{wins}\rvert t_a, t_b) + P_\text{zero}(t_b)(1-P_\text{zero}(t_a)) \\ &+ \int\limits_{t_b}^2 \text{d}s_b\, \int\limits_{s_b}^{2} \text{d}s_a\, P_\text{score}(s_b|t_b)P_\text{score}(s_a|t_a), \end{align}\]

or after solving for $P(a\ \text{wins}\rvert t_a, t_b)$,

\[P(a\ \text{wins}\rvert t_a, t_b) = \dfrac{P_\text{zero}(t_b)(1-P_\text{zero}(t_a)) + \int\limits_{t_b}^2 \text{d}s_b\, \int\limits_{s_b}^{2} \text{d}s_a\, P_\text{score}(s_a|t_a)P_\text{score}(s_b|t_b)}{1 - P_\text{zero}(t_a)P_\text{zero}(t_b)}.\]

the chance to win, $P(a\ \text{wins}\rvert t_a, t_b),$ depends on both their thresholds. we can think of it as a surface above the $t_a\times t_b$ plane. after calculating (see next sections) it looks like this:

strategically, player $a$ should set $t_a$ so that $P(a\ \text{wins})$ has the greatest minimum with respect to $t_b.$ the same is true in the other direction.

the game is symmetric for both players, so they’ll pick the same $t=t_a=t_b$ and it suffices to find $t_a$ where

\[0 = \dfrac{\partial P(a\ \text{wins})}{\partial t_a}\Biggr|_{t_a=t_b}.\]

to calculate the optimal threshold, we have to find expressions for $P_\text{zero}(t)$ and $P(s\rvert t).$

finding $P_\text{zero}(t)$

if we’re at position $z,$ then we can can get a zero if we step beyond $1$ on our present turn (probability $z$), or step to $z^\prime < 1$ on our present turn, and go on to get a zero from there.

\[P_\text{zero}(z\rvert t) = z + \int\limits_z^{t^-}\text{d}z^\prime P_\text{zero}(z^\prime\rvert t).\]

taking the derivative with respect to $z,$ this becomes

\[P_\text{zero}^\prime(z\rvert t) = 1 - P_\text{zero}(z\rvert t),\]

which, integrating from $0$ to $z$ gets $\log\tfrac{P_\text{zero}(z\rvert t)-1}{P_\text{zero}(0\rvert t)-1} = -z. $

we want the probability of getting zero from the start of the game (when $z=0$), and we know that $P_\text{zero}(t^-\rvert t) = t,$ so we get

\[P_\text{zero}(t) = 1 +(t-1) e^t.\]

finding $P_\text{score}(s\rvert t)$

to get a non-zero score, the player first has to enter the region $\left[t, 1\right].$ the overall probability of landing inside this region is just $(1-t)$ and is uniform within it.

say $x$ is the point where the player entered the region, and $\varepsilon$ is the size of their jump. they can jump to a point $s$ from as far away as $x=t$ or $(s-1),$ whichever is bigger. similarly, their jump can start as close as $x=1$ or $s$ itself, whichever is smaller.

with $x$ established, the size of the jump is fixed to $(s-x)$ which means that the probability of scoring $s,$ given that they score, is equal to

\[P(s\rvert t,\ \text{score}) = \dfrac{1}{1-t} \int\limits_{\max{t,(s-1)}}^{\min{s,1}} \hskip{-1em}\,\text{d}x \int\limits_0^1\,\hskip{-0.3em}\text{d}\varepsilon\, \delta(\varepsilon-(s-x)).\]

(here, $\delta()$ is the Dirac delta function)

working that out, we get

\[P(s\rvert t,\ \text{score}) = \frac{1}{1-t} \begin{cases} s-t & \text{if} & s < 1 \\ 1-t & \text{if} & 1<s<1+t \\ 2-s & \text{if} & 1+t < s. \end{cases}\]


\[P_\text{score}(s\rvert t) = P(s\rvert t,\ \text{score})(1-P_\text{zero}(t)).\]

plotting $P(s\rvert t,\ \text{score})$ against $s,$ we see that it forms a trapezoid, going up at $t,$ rising until $s=1,$ then staying flat before it goes down again at $s=1+t,$ before touching down at $2.$

bringing it home

with all these pieces in place, we can find the probability that $a$ wins, given the thresholds:

\[P(a\ \text{wins}\rvert t_a, t_b) = \frac{e^{t_a} (t_a-1) \left(e^{t_b} \left(-t_a^3+t_a^2-3 (t_a-1) t_b^2+2 (t_a-1)^2 t_b+4 t_a+2 t_b^3-6\right)+12\right)}{12 \left(\left(e^{t_a} (t_a-1)+1\right) e^{t_b} (t_b-1)+e^{t_a} (t_a-1)\right)}.\]

as expected, when $t_a=t_b,$ this expression is equal to $\frac12.$

taking the derivative with respect to $t_a,$ then setting $t_a = t_b,$ we get the relatively tidy condition

\[\begin{align} 0 &= \dfrac{\partial P(a\ \text{wins})}{\partial t_a}\Biggr|_{t_a=t_b} \\ &= \dfrac{3 t_a-e^{t_a} (1-t_a)^2 (t_a+2)}{6 \left(e^{t_a} (t_a-1)+2\right) (t_a-1)}. \end{align}\]

with this in hand, we can root find to learn the optimal threshold,

deriv = 3 ta - E^ta (-1 + ta)^2 (2 + ta);
root = FindRoot[deriv, {tb, 4/10}, WorkingPrecision -> 30]

which gets $t_\text{opt} \approx 0.416195355\ldots $

plugging $t_\text{opt}$ into $P_\text{zero}(t),$ optimal play zeros out about $11.5\%$ of the time:

\[P_\text{zero}(t_\text{opt}) \approx 0.114845886\ldots\]

optimal behavior

the winning strategy is to pick the threshold $t_a$ that has the greatest minimum given the value of $t_b$.

we can check that this has been achieved by plotting $P(a\ \text{wins}\rvert t_a, t_b)$ as we vary $t_a$ and $t_b:$

indeed, any miscalibration by player $b$ raises player $a$’s win probability above $50\%.$ likewise, any miscalibration by player $a$ dips their win probability under $50\%.$